How Can Ayurvedic Fenugreek Repair Your Hair Damage?

Old Tree Fenugreek Multipurpose Hair Oil absorb quickly, making it a perfect hair moisturizer for those dried out, tired ends. A few drops may even protect against the elements. Use as a scalp treatment, hair mask, or deep conditioning hair improving damaged hair on days when you want to show your hair some extra love.

What are fenugreek or methi seeds?

Basically, fenugreek is a legume. The seeds are yellow in a brown pod, and while they have a bitter taste, they are well-known for their nutty smell- somewhat similar to maple. In fact, the smell is so distinct, fenugreek seeds are often used for imitation maple syrup and coffee. This distinct smell has an underlying consistency in each product.

Fenugreek has been proven to have antifungal and antibacterial properties, fighting the same bacteria that causes dandruff, without the same side-effects as other synthetic drugs, though with the same effectiveness.

One study was even able to show that extracted fenugreek was an effective treatment for hair loss, stimulating hair growth and cutting the amount of hair growth time in half!

They are high in fatty acids such as linoleic and oleic fatty acids, commonly used in skincare remedies. When we say they are high in these fatty acids, we are not kidding! The seeds alone contain about 7.8% oil, some of the highest concentrations of oil in any seed!

Parts of the fenugreek hair benefits: 

Proteins: treats hair fall and nourishes the hair
Lecithin: emollient that helps strengthen and moisturize
Vitamins: A, B1, & C promotes hair growth, improves shine, strength, and thickness, and protects hair from free radicals (also known as pollution)
Mucilaginous fibre: absorbs the water to create it into a paste, creates good conditioning and softening effects for your hair
Amino Acids: promote hair growth and strength, maintains the proteins in the hair including your naturally occurring keratin.

                                                               Fenugreek Hair Oil